I came across many instances, where people jumped at some expensive client side libraries just by looking at the graphs. Here are some simple points you need to consider.
- Generating graph on client side is not a rocket science. Now its more and more simple, no one plays around with DIVs to create bar chart anymore.
- Most of the libraries use Canvas or SVGs for creating charts.
- Flot library is the best library available under MIT license. I have used it and i totally recommend it. Binding or customization is super simple. I have created newer types of charts in very short time.
- Use expensive libraries, only if you want swanky grids, edits and other UI features. Not just for graphs.
- You can play around with events easily and create what ever you want, like making nasty sound on hovering on some point :)
- For all short comings, you can find one more more plug-in. FlexiSlider is one of the great addin i found for handling touch.
- Use a thumb rule based on the budget you have where you set a threshold for number of plug-in you will be cherry picking before switching to a commercial library.
- Enjoy playing around with jQuery!