Monday, April 30, 2012

TFS Reports–Expose through TFS Web

If you are allowing TFS access over internet, reports will be one thing that you would find difficult to expose over internet as this might sit in your SQL server.


What about the web access? Where is report page on team foundation web access? There is none!

So, What you could do is, move the SSRS service to the Web Server or a new server hosted outside.


Both requires IT’s involvement and support. No one would be ready to move the DB server out or even SSRS server out of the firewall if it’s a shared server. If you have your other reports than the TFS reports hosted on this server, this might not be received well from the IT.

So to solve this, I created a new page in TFS and exposed all the reports from the TFS web page. Which just embeds the report viewer control and renders the report on the TFS webpage.


Here are list of changes you will have to do for implementing this reporting plug-in.

  • Open C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010\Application Tier\Web Access\Web\UI\Controls\PageHeader.ascx. And insert a new row
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="mainTab">
<td class="<%=(Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Contains("/UI/Pages/Reports/Reports.aspx") || Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Contains("/UI/Pages/Reports/Viewer.aspx") ? "att" : "ptt")%>">
<a class="<%=(Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Contains("/UI/Pages/Reports/Reports.aspx") || Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Contains("/UI/Pages/Reports/Viewer.aspx") ? "att" : "ptt")%>"
href="/tfs/web/UI/Pages/Reports/Reports.aspx?pguid=<%=this.Locator.ProjectUri.Segments[3] %>"><span class="ptt">Reports</span></a>

  • Create a project visual studio, ASP.Net Web page project. Create a new page and call it as Reports.aspx. In this page we will list all the reports and give a link to access all the reports.

  • Open the reports.aspx and add a data list control to it. Your mark up should look like

    <asp:Content ID="c" ContentPlaceHolderID="c" runat="server">
    <asp:DataList ID="ReportList" runat="server">
    <asp:HyperLink ID="reportLink" runat="server">
       1: # DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Name") 

  • Change the base page to WebAccessPage, this is how you access the TFS connection details that are buried in the base page.

  • public partial class Reports : WebAccessPage

  • In the code behind, In page initialization set the current tab and subscribe to list binding event.

  • protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
    ActiveTab = "Reports";
    ReportList.ItemCreated += new DataListItemEventHandler(ReportListItemCreated);

  • On Load method, connect to the reports server and fetch all the reports using reporting services. Before adding the code, add a service reference to the  SSRS service by Project->Add Service Reference –> URL as http://sqlserver:5050/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx. I have given the name for the service reference as ReportingService2010.

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ReportList.DataSource = GetProjectReports(this.Connection.CollectionName + "/" + this.CurrentProject.Name); ;

    private ICollection<CatalogItem> GetProjectReports(string path)
    WindowsImpersonationContext ctx = WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(IntPtr.Zero);
    CatalogItem[] reports = null;
    ReportingService2010 reportService = new ReportingService2010();
    // get the URL from the config http://sqlserver:5050/ReportServer
    reportService.Url = config.ReportServerURL + "//ReportService2010.asmx";
    reportService.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
    reports = reportService.ListChildren(path, true);
    return reports;

  • Assumption above is, workerprocess is running under the identity which has access to reporting server. So we are impersonating to default and reverting back while connecting to SSRS.

  • Now we need to make all the report list as hyper links with proper navigation set, in the item created event of the list we would implement this.

    void ReportListItemCreated(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)
    CatalogItem currItem = (CatalogItem)e.Item.DataItem;

    HyperLink link = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("reportLink");

    if (currItem.TypeName == "Folder")
    link.Attributes.Add("style", " color:Gray; font-size:16px");
    link.Enabled = false;
    else if (currItem.TypeName == "Report")
    e.Item.Enabled = true;
    link.Attributes.Add("style", "font-size:13px; padding-left:30px;");
    link.NavigateUrl = base.ResolveUrl("~/UI/Pages/Reports/Viewer.aspx") + "?pguid=" + this.Locator.ProjectUri.Segments[3] + "&rep=" + currItem.Path;
    link.Visible = false;
    e.Item.Visible = false;
    link.Text = currItem.Name;

  • We don’t have the report viewer implemented yet, so lets create a new page called viewer.aspx and add report viewer control to it. Mark up would look like

    <%@ Register Assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
    Namespace="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms" TagPrefix="rsweb" %>

    <asp:Content ID="c" ContentPlaceHolderID="c" runat="server">

    <rsweb:ReportViewer EnableViewState="true" AsyncRendering="true" ID="ReportViewer" runat="server"
    Width="100%" Height="100%"
    BackColor="#f8f8f8" ForeColor="#555555" InternalBorderColor="#cccccc"
    BorderColor="#dddddd" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"


  • In  the code behind,  binding to the control is straight forward once we have the path

    public partial class Viewer : WebAccessPage
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
    ActiveTab = "Reports";
    Page.EnableViewState = true;
    Master.EnableViewState = true;
    ReportViewer.ReportError += new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportErrorEventHandler(ReportViewerReportError);

    void ReportViewerReportError(object sender, ReportErrorEventArgs e)
    if (TimeSheetHelper.IsUserAdministrator(Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name))
    throw new Exception("Report exception", e.Exception);

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)

    private void LoadReports(string reportPath)
    ReportViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials = new ReportServerCredentials(CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials);
    ReportViewer.ServerReport.ReportPath = reportPath;
    ReportViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new Uri(config.ReportServerURL );

  • That’s it! You should be able to see the pages something like this..image


Timesheets with TFS Continued…

So what were those screen shots?

Lets look at them again.


Screen shot is for TFS 2010, and what is that link saying manage timesheet? and I don’t get the reports tab!

Ok, Lets just talk about Timesheet tab, I will write about reports later. Its one more plugin. I will talk about the problem and solution that tab is catering to in next post.

Back to timesheet.

I wouldn’t want do discuss the steps to make it 2010 compatible, overall this requires some fixes in the master pages, content pages and javascript object model to make it to work. 

For the plug-in to work with multiple collections and projects, I created a table for collections tblCollections. And one more table for Projects. Here are some of the columns

  • ID -  called projectcollectionid as this is the combination of project id and collection id.
  • Project Name – Same as the TFS Project Name
  • Project Manager -  TFS project can have multiple admins, but in most of the cases there is a single manager who manages the tasks and can approve the timesheets.
  • Team Size – just a metadata information
  • CollectionId – so that you could map with collections
  • PGUID – project GUID that TFS maintains, can be handy in reports.

The link you see the screenshot above is admin link available only for super administrator who activates the timesheet feature for a project. This is the time when you capture most of the project metadata information. This is how this new screen looks.


I have used entity framework(.Net 4.0) as my ORM Data access tier. So my collection id determination looks like

public static int GetProjectCollectionId(string ProjectName, string collectionName)
using (TfsTimesheetEntities ctx = new TfsTimesheetEntities())
var project = ctx.Projects.Where(x => x.Collection.CollectionName == collectionName && x.ProjectName == ProjectName).FirstOrDefault();
if (project != null)
return project.Id;

return 0;

Similarly, using the project manager id we could determine if the logged in user is Project admin using following code

public static bool IsProjectAdmin(string logon, int projectCollectionId)
if (IsUserAdministrator(logon))
return true;

using(TfsTimesheetEntities ctx = new TfsTimesheetEntities())
var admin = ctx.Projects.Where(x => x.Id == projectCollectionId).FirstOrDefault();
if (admin != null)
if (String.Compare(logon, admin.ManagerId.Trim(), true) ==0)
return true;

return false;

While rendering the timesheet plugin, to determine if we have to enable any of the admin features, you call the above method to see if user is a project manager for this project.

if (TimeSheetHelper.IsProjectAdmin(Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name, this.ProjectCollectionId))
toolbar.Items.Add(new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WebAccess.Controls.MenuItem(true));
toolbar.Items.Add(new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WebAccess.Controls.MenuItem("Admin", "admin", ResolveUrl("~/Resources/Images/admin.gif")));
toolbar.Items[toolbar.Items.Count - 1].Action = "parent.location='Admin.aspx?pguid=" + this.Locator.ProjectUri.Segments[3]+"'";

Now, bigger part of the work remains is in the database side.

  • First you will have to include the project collection id in all calls. So that reference to all entries are related to project collection ids and not to project ids.

  • Next, you will have to pass the collection name in all the SPs that makes a cross DB joins to connect to appropriate database. For example…

FROM sys.objects
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[usp_RS_AwaitingApproval]')
AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_RS_AwaitingApproval]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_RS_AwaitingApproval]
@collectionName nvarchar(100),
@projectCollectionId int

DECLARE @statement nvarchar(1000) = N'SELECT tc.sid, DisplayPart AS displayName, weekStarting
FROM TimesheetCompletions tc WITH(NOLOCK)
+ @collectionName +'.dbo.Constants WITH(NOLOCK)
ON tc.sid = Constants.sid
WHERE completed = 1 AND
tc.ProjectCollectionId ='
+ CAST(@projectCollectionId as nvarchar(8)) +' AND
approved IS NULL'



Above snippet connects to TFS_<CollectionName> db to get he usernames.

This must have given you an idea on how the plugin can be extended to serve multiple collections. Next part you will be interested in is getting report of who has filled timesheet in your organization. I used SSRS report, following is the query that I used to get the result.

MAX( [ProjectName]) AS ProjectName,
MAX(ManagerName) AS ManagerName,
MAX(WeekStarting) AS WeekStarting,
dbo.TFSGetUserName(tc.sid) as DisplayPart, -- this is function i created to get the username
-- refer to the constants table easily.
Completed as EnteredTimeSheet,
(approved )as Closed,
MAX(prj.TeamSize) as TeamSize,
SUM(te.hours) as HoursLogged
FROM timesheetcompletions tc
JOIN Projects prj ON
JOIN TimesheetEntries te on tc.sid = te.sid and tc.ProjectCollectionId = te.ProjectCollectionId
AND (te.entryDate &gt; tc.weekStarting AND te.entryDate &lt; DATEADD(DAY,7, tc.weekStarting ) )
where DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, WeekStarting)) =DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, @Startdate))
, tc.sid

Report would look something like…


There is another interesting report involved, that is to figure out which contributor hasn’t filed his/her timesheet. Which is bit complex report compared to this one, I will write about it some other time.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Timesheets with TFS

If you haven't taken look at already, please take a look at it. It’s a pretty interesting plugin developed and quite useful. If you are an organization who is worried about daily utilization and derive billing out of it, its pretty handy and solves many of the problems.

If you are thinking why do I need this, when I can update the task directly – here is the answer

Task Edit TFS

  • People are lazy – its not possible to expect everyone to update all the tasks they worked on, on a daily basis. If they miss one day; its not present in the TFS Cube daily snapshot.
  • If you are working on say 5 generic tasks(say daily standup, code reviews, helping QA etc) on regular basis; its pretty hard to open all talks and update the numbers.
  • No approvals – If the time logged is important for your business, like billing; you definitely want to have an step to review and approve the time logged.

All these problems can be addressed by a simple table view of the tasks and days, something like this.


Now its easy, you can enter effort for any day for the week, multiple tasks in one go, one single view.

All right, that answers all the problems we talked about.

But, but, this plugin

  • Doesn’t work with TFS 2010 server Sad smile
  • Doesn’t support working with multiple projects and collections
  • Doesn’t support approvals by projects(i.e. having one PM for each project)
  • Doesn’t come with reports

So how do you solve? Read on…